Introduced as startup case at Council Meeting held by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

On November 24, 2022, the Secretariat of the Clean Energy Strategy Study Joint  Meeting published the materials referenced in the meeting “Specification of Policy Initiatives to Materialize GX (Green Transformation)”. In this document, SPACE WALKER was introduced as a startup case example that is creating new value, related to the discussion topic highlighting the importance of startups to implement potential technologies into society.


On November 24, 2022, the Secretariat of the Clean Energy Strategy Study Joint Meeting released a document titled “Specification of Policy Initiatives to Materialize GX (Green Transformation)” which was referenced at the “The 10th Meeting of the Industrial Structure Council / Committee on Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment / Subcommittee on Green Transformation Promotion / Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy / Subcommittee on Strategic Policy Committee” held at the The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.


In this document, several discussion topics are outlined to materialize policy initiatives, including the growth-oriented carbon pricing concept as well as a discussion topic regarding “Vital cross-sectional perspectives to guide the growth of GX (green transformation)”. Related to this discussion, SPACE WALKER’s project to develop hydrogen tanks for hydrogen stations were introduced as an example of startups creating new value, under the title of “Importance of Startups for Social Implementation of Potential Technologies”.


Link: Document 1 (P.63 bottom right)


Additional Information: November 30, 2022

At the “Fourth Meeting of the GX (Green Transformation) Implementation Council” held at the Prime Minister’s Office on November 29, 2022, SPACE WALKER was mentioned as a startup case example creating new values, in the reference material “Specification of Policy Initiatives to Materialize GX (Green Transformation)”.


Link: Document 2 (P.58 bottom right)

siryou1.pdf (

*English translations, iterations and descriptions on this page include provisional translations.