【WIRES #15】 Ground Test (Truck Tow) of Dual Deployment Parachute System

The Space Transportation Division of SPACE WALKER and the Space Systems Lab of the Tokyo University of Science conducted a ground test of the dual deployment parachute system at the Fujikawa Gliding Field in Shizuoka Prefecture.

〈Summary and Results〉
On June 16, 2022, the Space Transportation Division of SPACE WALKER and the Space Systems Lab of the Tokyo University of Science conducted a ground test of the dual deployment parachute system to be installed onboard the experimental winged rocket WIRES#015* at Fujikawa Gliding Field in Shizuoka Prefecture.
A real-scale dummy fuselage was placed on a truck and towed to confirm that a series of parachute deployment functions, from the release of the deceleration chute to main chute deployment, worked properly at various postures.
Preparations for the drop test of the recovery system using a helicopter in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, scheduled for 2023, are steadily underway.
(*) WIRES#015 is an experimental vehicle to comprehensively demonstrate suborbital flight technology in preparation of launching a commercial vehicle that will reach space.